A Ministry of Christian Chefs International (CCI)

Friday, December 30, 2016

I am different and unique!...Just like everyone else...

As I shared this morning with my Sister Chef Lissette Medwig and made it my prayer for all of us...
    God Morning Sistah! My prayer this morning...
Boss..Lord, Keep us different. We don't want to fit in with the world...
We are grateful for the Way that we are on...
I pray this for all of us who seek you in the uniqueness that you created us to be...your kids...
when we look in the mirror we may see worldly "flaws" but You see ...a masterpiece!

As we approach Our Father who is the Father of Imagination and inspiration...we can only give back what we are uniquely created to do and be...to praise the Lord, and to be that unique piece of the the Revelation of God in this world! Through Jesus who did it all...we share by our relationship with the person Jesus through whom we get it....relationship with the Father as originally conceived in perfection in the Garden...Walking with Him...talking in the cool of the evening...Wow....
     This morning also God surprised me ...went outside for my Coffee with Jesus...saw the sunrise...beautiful colors hues melting into the bright of day...the Sun shining so brightly warming me up..I held my hand to the Sun and could feel the warmth...Glorious!  just to be in His presence that place where we are ALLways invited....Come to me He said...
I then turned and went inside...preparing my breakfast of Rösti with bacon scallions and a little cheese and a couple basted eggs...heard my dog McKinley bark and looked outside...and it was snowing!  I had to go get a closer look...like a Christmas picture video...the snowflakes...all individuals..unique as God is unique ...were falling dancing and floating I could see the crystalline structure on some of the dancing blessings....Sister Lissette replied when I emailed her about it..."The Lords treasury of snow..."  A treasure indeed!
So Sisters and Brothers take this prayer ...as your own....and if there are rough times...and there will be times like those...Just look in the mirror...smile and say...THIS is the day....I just know you will feel His Joy...His Strength working its way out from Jesus in your heart...into the uniqueness of who you are and pour forth into the lives of those He sends your way...
On His Way...
Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock....and we Roll!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

With Wings!....Like Eagles!

Wow...Like a child reading the book for the first time....the Word comes alive!  Reading in Isaiah 40...engrossed in the story reading these amazing things and the imagination making it appear on the Video screen of your mind...And that is what happened to me this morning ...maybe that has happened to you when you open the Word ...and words and phrases just seem to ...JUMP off the page...and or all of a sudden you are transported to that place and time where you can hear and see, and truly are in the presence of the Word...and that Word's name is Jesus!  and it's alive!  The Holy Spirit just seemed to put a pause...and an Exclamation mark!  When I read about "those who wait on the Lord..." I saw me...and many many other followers, seekers, pilgrims...When I read renew...strength...I saw myself in the movie of my mind getting stronger filling out from the inside....the inside where Jesus lives.  Now it wasn't like the Hulk's transformation but I saw Wings! appearing on me...and I saw myself "Mounting" up...Wow...jumping into the air with Wings!  Like Eagles! So strong in the Lord..Like Eagles'  strong muscles moving those wings...So strong... lifting myself up but not...It wasn't me as it is not about me but Jesus in me...Our God is able?   OH yeah  Holding me, in fact holding all of us, lifting me up...perhaps like a fallen bird...picked up by Our Father caressed and held till I was able to comprehend the truth and to accept the healing and to breathe in the Spirit...and to ultimately let go...to leap out of His Hand...With the feeling that I...could...Run! Forever!  Eternally one with Our Father , The Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  Now we can walk on The Way...and not faint.  It's amazing that a little Word can mean and do so much!  When in His Will we can truly...Rock and Roll!
Have a groovy God Day!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Post Christmas Aftermath... ;)

After the birth of Jesus...the Shepherds went back to work...the Wise guys went back east...the Angels returned to their post.s..Joseph, Mary and Jesus left for Egypt...They hit the road!  Going , knowing, the why when and where they were led ....knowing that Our Father held all that and in His hands!  And Him KNowing we could come later...and hear the Words of His Son...saying...Go! The first two letters in God...Amen?  The Hebrew children  40 years...going...and never reaching...Then Jesus making the Way...the one way to the Father...as I like to say Jesus is the Rock and we ROLL!   We go...and make disciples and we are empowered by the fact that He has conquered and has obtained ALL authority!  As He prayed for us...Read in Matthew 28...
     "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen."
Thank you Jesus!

      ...and the second ( or last) two letters God are... remind me that He is odd....Odd as in contrary to the "ruler" of this world...Odd, illogical, strange, peculiar, weird, queer, funny, bizarre, abbie-normal, eccentric, unusual, unconventional, outlandish, quirky, zany; informal,wacky, kooky, screwy, freaky, oddball, offbeat, off the wall, out there, strange, unusual, peculiar, funny, curious, bizarre, weird, uncanny, queer, outré, unexpected, unfamiliar, abnormal, atypical, anomalous, different, out of the ordinary, out of the way, exceptional, rare, extraordinary, remarkable, puzzling, mystifying, mysterious, perplexing, baffling, unaccountable, uncommon, irregular, singular, deviant, aberrant... I think you get the idea.  ;)   His ways Miraculous!  Parting Seas, Stopping the Sun, creating hordes of locusts, frogs, turning rivers to blood!  Raising the dead...Wow!His ways, most certainly not our ways...Thankfully. For He is a loving Father the one who created and knew us before we were born...now that is...od...
Rock and Roll  y'all...and have a groovy God Aftermath...Enjoy your Gift...

Friday, December 23, 2016

Its a Love Festivaaaaaaal!

... reading the Bible today in 1 John 4 and 5...and in Luke 8.

Seeing God Through Love in chapter 4

 No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us.  By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. 16 And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

...and in Ch 5:

Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves him who is begotten of Him. 2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. 4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our[a] faith. 5 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

Read Luke 8... We see the Teacher...and How he taught in the Rabbinical style and fashion ...yet in the divine...speaking to our hearts ...now   right now...living words the Holy Spirit reminds and we hear...the Message...Jesus has a great combination of teaching and doing. Sometimes we need knowledge, other times we need action, sometimes we need both!
and I see three "reminders" from the Holy Spirit...
-God's word is a seed. Your heart is the soil. The seed can die in there or it can produce an amazing harvest!
-Storms will come but you are designed to make it through. Jesus is with you, don't fear, don't lose your faith! Bail water and rebuke the wind.
-When Satan is crushing your life Jesus will cast him out and give you back your peace and your sanity.
-If we just reach out and touch Jesus with our faith we will be healed and life will be restored.
Joy to the world and peace on earth ... our Savior is here!

Joyous anticipatory Christmas Eve Eve!  
Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock...and we Roll!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Mo from the Bro...

As this particular season in our journey runs head on to spiritual  things like commercialism, misunderstanding...or a conscious rejection of the meaning and Spirit of celebrating the birth and coming of our Soon coming Lord and Savior Jesus Christ....We, Yoked up, armor on , shield up, and sword sharp  enter into the fray. Distracted hither and yon into leaving that "zone" of being in or as Brother Lawrence expressed so rightly " Practicing the presence of God".  Just thought I would share some of the good Brothers excerpts to encourage, build up and remind us of who we are, who Christ is in us, and enlighten or help to keep our light shining...
From his book "Practicing the Presence of God"

“He does not ask much of us, merely a thought of Him from time to time, a little act of adoration, sometimes to ask for His grace, sometimes to offer Him your sufferings, at other times to thank Him for the graces, past and present, He has bestowed on you, in the midst of your troubles to take solace in Him as often as you can. Lift up your heart to Him during your meals and in company; the least little remembrance will always be the most pleasing to Him. One need not cry out very loudly; He is nearer to us than we think.” 

Remember...this is a man who wanted an encounter with God but was assigned to the kitchen...a place he was not quite...groovy with, and coming to terms with himself and his place in the world...and like Job and Paul before him...found in his "conflict" with his circumstances and his relationship...revelation and a new birth...person living by the life of Jesus in us...

“I regard myself as the most wretched of all men, stinking and covered with sores, and as one who has committed all sorts of crimes against his King. Overcome by remorse, I confess all my wickedness to Him, ask His pardon and abandon myself entirely to Him to do with as He will. But this King, filled with goodness and mercy, far from chastising me, lovingly embraces me, makes me eat at His table, serves me with His own hands, gives me the keys of His treasures and treats me as His favorite. He talks with me and is delighted with me in a thousand and one ways; He forgives me and relieves me of my principle bad habits without talking about them; I beg Him to make me according to His heart and always the more weak and despicable I see myself to be, the more beloved I am of God.” 

Eventually finding the answer lay in that relationship that was his ...communion, his prayers became an ongoing conversation...

“That we should establish ourselves in a sense of GOD’s Presence, by continually conversing with Him. That it was a shameful thing to quit His conversation, to think of trifles and fooleries.” 


“We should fix ourselves firmly in the presence of God by conversing all the time with Him...we should feed our soul with a lofty conception of God and from that derive great joy in being his. We should put life in our faith. We should give ourselves utterly to God in pure abandonment, in temporal and spiritual matters alike, and find contentment in the doing of His will,whether he takes us through sufferings or consolations. ” 

So we should ...Keep in touch...Amen?

“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful, than that of a continual conversation with God; those only can comprehend it who practice and experience it.” 

Taste this...and after chewing it on a bit...please share with someone you work with...live with, or whomever God puts into your sphere of ...influence..in your presence share His  ;)

“That all things are possible to him who believes, that they are less difficult to him who hopes, they are more easy to him who loves, and still more easy to him who perseveres in the practice of these three virtues.” 

Merry Christmas and Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock...and we Roll!  Ho Ho Ho...

Sunday, December 18, 2016

A Re-mind-er...Remember?

God morning Sistren and Brethren!  Praying you are getting a new touch of His New Mercies...with rejoicing this Morning!  I do love the Word of God...reading and feeling the hearts of the authors as they who practicing being in the presence of God...I feel and hear as much as read processing the words through my brain... those words enter my mental-ness...while the Message enter my heart to the soul of who I am.  I am reminded to continually share or to share as often as I can to others to Run... don't walk... to the Word...to find the answers to our questions, and to recieve revelation of God's heart in Jesus Christ.  Because we want to know ...more...be...closer.  In this journey along the "Way", we not only find His Will but find Him!  As did the two that journeyed to Emmaus... in Luke 24 we read about that resurrection Sunday...
     "That same day two of them were walking to the village Emmaus, about seven miles out of Jerusalem. They were deep in conversation, going over all these things that had happened. In the middle of their talk and questions, Jesus came up and walked along with them. But they were not able to recognize who he was."
On the journey, on that Way...those two were walking and talking with Jesus but blind and semi deaf ;)...to Him...wrapped up in the events of the previous 3 days and busy wrapping their heads....around the whirlwind of events...as we do in our day to day...we go through our myriad of events sometimes a tornado of events!  BUt I am reminded  (when those whirlwinds happen) of the revelation to Elijah in 1 Kings 19...
     "Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake;  and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.  So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
Reminded...Remember! He says to me..."What are you doing here?" I am thinking that, like Elijah, I am so overwhelmed and crying out loudly for the Lord for His presence to be strong in me...but so strongly troubled that even a tornado, earthquake, and fire... all super dynamic physical things on this earth...pale to the storm in my mind, heart, and spirit where God's voice fades...gets drowned out...lost in the cacophony. But God! In His still small voice finally breaks through...and I am reminded...That Our Father placed me there...right here...As he directed the Hebrew Children as they escaped from Egypt...in Exodus 14...
     "Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, that they turn and camp before Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, opposite Baal Zephon; you shall camp before it by the sea. 3 For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, ‘They are bewildered by the land; the wilderness has closed them in.’ "
Right there! He said to them...in that hard place ...mountains around them the Red Sea in front ...trapped!... with Pharaoh's every chariot and army rushing to destroy them...They...(like me and you) crying out! As we continue to read we see the words Moses spoke to the Children :
      "And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today."
Hmmmm ...Stand still...BUt Lord can't you see what's happening?!!?  Like the disciples in the Boat in the storm on Lake Galilee.  their cries of " Don't you care...!?!"( read Mark 4 )

Like the angels who reminded the women at the tomb...and once risen, Jesus gave them the Holy Spirit in a new way...His way so that we could be...reminded.  The Holy Spirit's main "job" I think is to actively re-mind us...  So remember!  Stand....still...small...voice...taste...See!  Re-set, Re-mind, and hear His voice echoing timelessly..." What are you doing here?"

Have a Groovy God day...and
Rock and Roll! Jesus is the Rock!....and we Roll!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

IN the journey...

On the Journey we find God's Will...great word for me...I had already known the " You are on a "need to know" basis in this relationship..."   and in that journeying, waiting, also that..."you will know it when you see it...You will know it is God!  Each day,,,season and indeed the journey if full of Moments.  Like time periods  full of seconds, minutes, hours...etc.  
Those moments for me give pause to Thank, Praise, and Pray...talk converse, embrace and linger in His presence...Like Brother Lawrence...(see previous posts), who found God's presence right where he was at...in that moment right here and right now He exists, lives,and breathes in the person of Jesus , and in us the person we are.  His arms open wide welcoming us into that intimate closeness that is that Holy embrace any time any place we want...we desire our hearts seek and we follow...and we read...and the Word of God speaks...Moments like fruit to be tasted and eaten which fills the tummy and soul...Tasting of Him...
From John 6:55-58 (NKJV)

55 For My flesh is food indeed,and My blood is drink indeed. 56 He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. 57 As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me. 58 This is the bread which came down from heaven—not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He who eats this bread will live forever.”

Mmmmmmmmmmmm  Good!
So Sistren and Brethren...let us raise our Glass!  Cheers to the one who got us here! Thank you Jesus!

Psalm 116:12-19The Message (MSG)

12-19 What can I give back to God
    for the blessings he’s poured out on me?
I’ll lift high the cup of salvation—a toast to God!
    I’ll pray in the name of God;
I’ll complete what I promised God I’d do,
    and I’ll do it together with his people.
When they arrive at the gates of death,
    God welcomes those who love him.
Oh, God, here I am, your servant,
    your faithful servant: set me free for your service!
I’m ready to offer the thanksgiving sacrifice
    and pray in the name of God.
I’ll complete what I promised God I’d do,
    and I’ll do it in company with his people,
In the place of worship, in God’s house,
    in Jerusalem, God’s city.

Have a groovy God Day y'all!
Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock.....and we Roll!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Something about the Journey...

Hello Sisters and Brothers!   Well I made it cross country and am now with my Mother and family in MD...I cannot begin to accurately describe the thanks I feel to the Lord and to you all...I could only say that I would give each of you a really God hug!  As I read the word It occurred to me about "The journey"
Please allow me to transcribe some conversations I had rendering some parts of the trip basically a synopsis...and touching on the many wondrous things I saw and experienced...Totally God was in each and every aspect of this journey...and as I share it is a groovy saying that " It is ON the Journey that you find God's Will"!  I encourage you to seek out the word journey in His Word and taste and see what God is revealing to you about yours.....Praise the LOrd!
The chat excerpts are from conversations between me and Chef Ira Krizo, and with Sister Chef Lissette Medwig

Luke 9:53 But they did not receive Him, because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem.

Luke 9:57 [ The Cost of Discipleship ] Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.”

And the journey began  in a rare hail storm on the beach in Oregon...  ----------------------------->

How did the rest of your night go?
Too funny that part of the journey was perhaps the roughest as Ms GPS and my mistaking reading of what GPS was doing caused me to go the Wrong way for many miles till the snow and Mountains made me look again and surely...it had me on my previous "most direct route" which became the route that the storm and bad weather would accompany me along the way I knew would be ...so I changed the route to go through NV to I 40 then across ...and as such it was great road conditions and no inclement weather along the entire journey...had to cross a pass chains and followed a semi @ 15 mph for hours passing Tulelake at Midnight...I jokingly to the Lord said yeah it would be a little tacky to show up on your Moms doorway after midnight saying Just wanted to say Hi! haha maybe on the way back 😉If its not midnight
And then the journey continued as I got misdirected...but Mac as he is called in Europe a "Pyranean Mountain Dog" LOved the snow!
Was that Willamette pass out of Eugene?
I think so it was dark I think it bordered a lake when I looked at the map saw the road but also saw not that many signs along the way as you probably know it is sparsely populated
And on the journey went...

From Sister Chef Lissette Medwig

The LORD's Blessings be upon you my Brother, in the Fullness of His Measure!Blessings and Peace on this night.
Thank you Sister! this drive was very stressful...I am not as young as I used to be! and I did push it a bit...it was so rough just getting out of Oregon so the alteration of the journey through Nevada to AZ where I got a room in Flagstaff...was already so tired... then NM TX OK, and AR where I actually blanked out! God woke me and energized me to get off the freeway and park and nap for an hour or so....just enough to get me to TN where I stayed at Cat's Mom's house...she was so wonderful making me what I had prayed for! I was just wanting some soup...She had a home made leftover turkey and wild rice with cream soup...and she even made me home made southern biscuits and her last fresh homegrown tomatoes! I tasted and saw God's goodness that evening!
...I slept very well....leaving that next morning for one more long day arriving at my Sister's house at midnight....Wow what a journey but they say "On the Journey we find God's Will..." and I certainly did a lot of conversing with the Lord....missing my former co-pilot...who like me loved traveling in the car...seeing God along the way focused on the road and upon each horizon anticipating a revelation of the Lord in our journey...and the Holy Spirit reminding me that we all...are to BE that revelation...we were journeying to ourselves...finding a place already habitated by the Lord....I used to always say when we passed a church.." Wow whodathink??? Out here in the middle of nowhere where I have never been....God is here!" haha IN my egocentric self being the "center of the universe" 😉 ... I find that we are revolving around the "Son" the true center of the Universe....worshiping the Source...of Life and growing as the universe expands.....I often asked God along this trip that He would manipulate the Space-Time Continuum in my favor making my destinations closer and by that ...sooner....but as each moment passed into the past...I found the here and now was precious and perfect...in His timing...Wow what a plan!
I saw many wondrous things along the way...including along the way in Nevada I saw a boulder near the road that was "Graffitied" On the face of the rock as I drove by I saw a big huges heart with "
then something obscured at the bottom I chose to think it said ...Leo ;)
Thank you for letting me share them you ...Thanking God for you!
PS...it did take me a couple days to even consider having a cup of coffee...But I got over that...😉


Monday, December 5, 2016

Ready? Set? ROLL!

Forgive me while you are chewing...Been a busy busy time   many of you know of my Mother in hospice ..getting ready to forever know and be in Love with Jesus full time!  As do we all strive and yearn for....leaving out in the morning...with rejoicing and NEW Mercies!
Driving cross country ...me and McKinley.....should be fun....Thank you all so much for the prayer and wonderful caring expressions of the Love of Jesus towards me!   I Love and cherish them...I will be eating road food for a few days...not road kill ... ;)
As the Holy Spirit moves   so do we....We roll!

I will do my best to share the road journey...tonight I rest after a busy day!  cramming in so much...
Let me leave you with this nugget to chew on...
It is about the journey sometimes in balance with the destination...my God Positioning System is similar to my worldly GPS in that it doesn't help you unless you know where you came from...and where you are going...
Talk among yourselves

Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock and we Roll!

Please Please pray Rolling mercies.Grace, provision...and most of all Good weather!  TIA  GMTA  God minds...

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Sisters and Brothers...Entree time!

We cannot be filled with the former and be possessors of the new. The former must be dealt with; Must be driven out by severe crucifixion, from which we are not meant to recover. We must become living sacrifices that stop crawling off of the altar. Life will be imparted by the death of Jesus working in us." - Terry Bennett, Pastor and Brother

OK!  Wow...As I have been and will be sharing more of Brother Lawrence and others gone on before us  It was just groovy to read the above quote ...touching something deep inside me that I pray will be edifying and food indeed to you my family in Christ and fellow lovers of Jesus.  So much...so many "brands" to choose...For me this is meat...Entree time...so I encourage you to eat first with your eyes Amen? Then smell ...thus discerning the savor through another set of senses...then choosing to taste of each portion on this plate...Time to use all your senses...and your eating implements are your resources...Of course the Word in it's many personifications, ways, aspects and translations... For me this is super savory deep flavored, and rich beyond what "fatness" can only be described in the Word...
Psalm 63:5 My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, And my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.

When I have been at a table full of Chefs in a restaurant they all were excited to experience the offering..but asked first for the Bread...they wanted to see smell and taste the bread!...so look first my precious reader at the plate alongside the entree...that has the bread...use this to prepare your diving in to the entree...with joyful lips!
(I encourage you also to run to the word to make sure I am not giving you anything not given to us already by God as "good for doctrine..."  I will quote book...and leave it to you to find it...old school style remember it wasn't till the 16th century that "chapter and verse" did not appear in our Bibles...I will also use the New King James as a baseline version...but encourage you to seek clarification and expansion of those words in other translations and versions that you can digest it better...Thank you for doing that)

In the gospel of John
 "Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."

Then later in John

This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.”

The Jews therefore quarreled among themselves, saying, “How can this Man give us His flesh to eat?”

So taste this bread...and prepare your palate

Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock...and we Roll!

Friday, December 2, 2016

But Wait!

God morning all!  busy days...woke up sore...feeling not an urgency but a prompting to continue in the Word Cat recieved the day before she went home..."Declutter and go through your stuff"  and so I am I am also excited and wanted to thank you all for praying for my heaqrts desire and God certainly provided in His inimitable way!  I am now happy owner of a minivan for Mac and I  ( If you do not know Mac here is a pic)...

To travel to visit my Mom who is in hospice in MD.   Excited that God has let me travel to share along the Way... the Good News, to share what He is doing here at the School, and just connect with Family in Christ. Pray traveling mercies as I prepare and embark  I will try to blog as I can along the way....God is good!
...I just saw a coupon  "Save $1.50 on Simple Truth"   Wow!  Thats a good deal!  What is the Simple Truth?  For me it is about being real...Created to be one with that...Simple truth...to share the Good News...and to accept all those things along the way that bring me closer to Him in my heart...thankful that it is not rocket science or methodology or religion...
...When I look outside yes in the Oregon rain I see a tree "bowing" leaning towards me  close enough to see the needles and leaves praising God...Standing firm in their silent expression of...Love.  Their sap their life blood so to speak flowing through it keeping it growing healthy and ...on point ...in purpose...We also are "the called"  to go and do likewise...stand firm and know...taste and see...believe on and be saved...
Take a moment...Be like the tree...
God is Love...go...and do that...
Have a Groovy God day and Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock...and we Roll!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Being Real...Intermezzo

God Day everyone!....If you hadn't been introduced via this blog to Pastor Kelly from The Life Center and I love this brother just because he is a Real guy really in Love with Jesus and really being obedient to the calling to feed His lambs, sheep, and tending His(Jesus') flock..thats us!. Pastor Kelly has graciously allowed me to share his "sharings". He leads his flock by Bible reading...and in recent times reading the book of Ezekiel...now The Word is always something that should have priority in our lives...Really! I encourage you to check out these two chapters and taste and see what God is saying to you...here is a glimpse of what Kelly shared about them...OK go read then come back...Have a groovy God day and TIA! For your prayers, attentiveness, and well..just being who you are...His creations His Love shown here on this planet...

Ezekiel 45. Position, power and authority are to be used to benefit others not ourselves. Israel's princes have been using their power selfishly. God tells Ezekiel to proportion the land for it's proper uses and to instruct the princes to lead well and promote wealth, health and fairness to all. God wants everyone to benefit from each other and support each other. Entitlements of the powerful are destructive to society. We should promote a level playing field, equal opportunity and encourage those who are successful to help others around them succeed too. God wants everyone to be blessed and no one to be oppressed.

Ezekiel 46. When it comes to worship, gratitude and thankfulness there are minimums and then there are those who go way beyond the minimums. Let's take our worship, gratitude and thankfulness for God to a higher level. Let's take our gratitude and thankfulness for others to a whole new level also today. The Bible calls it free will offerings. Freely offer more gratitude and thankfulness to those around you. You will love the results! There are so many reasons for worship, gratitude and giving. Pick one or two and get busy.

Rock and Roll! Jesus is the Rock....and we Roll!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Being Real ...is there an echo in here?

Praying you are deep into the culinary journey that is leftovers...and just when you get the urge for a second or third helping...here is another "helping"...
...Brother Lawrence (if you don't know who or what I am talking about look back and read from the beginning).  Yes Bro Larry felt having a proper heart about tasks, made every detail of his life possess surpassing value. We acknowledge that in our ATTITUDE...He writes again..."I began to live as if there were no one... except God and me in the world." Brother Lawrence felt that he cooked meals, ran errands, scrubbed pots, and endured the scorn of the world alongside God. One of his most famous sayings refers to his kitchen:
"The time of working does not with me differ from the time of prayer; and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament“ ...one of the “means and methods of coming to God’s Love..."and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus..."  I hope these nibbles speak to your heart and I encourage you to read more...and hear what this regular guy wrote... about what was happening to Him, and be reminded that He created and put you  right there!   Right where you are... right now...
In our journey through life in this experience sometimes we tire of being real in this world...Read Rom 7 how Paul was like ..." O wretched man that I am!..." much of life's experiences are meant to distract and misguide...we just see it as stuff that is happening...thinking maybe even God is doing that!  Now as we grow and begin to live in the truth that life is all about choices...We are so loved that we get it all freedom of choice...including the consequences of our choices...Look at those walls around the Prisons, Schools and yes even churches...and life without Jesus had us build a protective wall around our hearts...so massive our hearts become one with the wall...hearts made of stone...Time to go to the Stone Mason of our lives get yoked with him and start chippin' away...little by little day by day....Some famous artists say that the sculpture is already in the stone...we just need to chip away all the pieces in the way...God who made us is entirely the best "choice" to put in charge of your being revealed as the creation you were meant to be....Ah Yes!  
Now...what can I do with this stuffing, and yams...Hmmmmm
rock and Roll Jesus is the Rock.....and we Roll! 
...OH yeah ...pass me a roll  ;)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016 . . . Something and Some Song For Everybody November 23, 2016

Spending time this weekend with family and with friends who are special seems to fit well with a day dedicated to the giving of thanks. Aren’t they the ones whose love is not based on our performance? Whose forgiveness covers hurtful words and selfish deeds? What comfort! And in our better moments, how grateful we are . . .For Our Father who does that...as is His "nature".

And isn’t it the transcendence of such love and forgiveness, gifts from beyond the limits of space and time, that makes the celebration of that comfort worth miles of travel? Michael Martin Murphey in his song “What’s Forever For?” minces no words: “What’s the glory in living? . . . If love never lasts forever, tell me... what’s forever for?”

For those of us with a more utilitarian bent, the health benefits of gratitude are now well documented. Maybe medical school curricula should be tweaked a bit? . . . ;)

And when the national well-being comes to mind . . . So does the Battle Hymn of the Republic..."Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!"
From one of President Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Day proclamations: “I recommend to [my fellow citizens] that . . . they . . . fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility and Union.” (By the President: Abraham Lincoln; William H. Seward, Secretary of State; October 3, 1863)

To our readers, with Wayne Newton, we sing “Danke Schoen”
And in our finest Elvis voice...“Thank you very much . . .”

God is Love...so go and just do that...

 Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock...and we Roll!
and Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Christian Chefs International and the Christian Culinary Academy!!

P.S. For other old Jesus Freaks like me...
“Now it all started two Thanksgivings ago, was on - two years ago on
Thanksgiving, when my friend and I went up to visit Alice at the
restaurant, but Alice doesn't live in the restaurant . . .” Arlo Guthrie’s “Alice’s Restaurant”

Monday, November 21, 2016

Being Real...again!

Looking back and looking up...to the great cloud of witnesses that have gone before and the same crowd...that cheers us on...to where we are...where God placed us purposefully...right here...right now...it may be a mountain top...It may be a hard hard place...As we continue this part of the journey...

...Just as we in the mission field of our homes...it is a gift to be able to work in the industry and the home ….For that is Holy Ground!
Why did God tell Moses in Exodus 3...and later to Joshua...

v.5 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”

That harkens to Joshua 1:3, where the Lord promised to be everywhere that Joshua set his feet. The pillar of cloud may vanish, and the column of fire may be extinguished, but God's presence was just as real as ever. Your living room is holy ground, for Jesus is there. Your bedroom is holy ground. Your Kitchen is holy ground. Your classroom or workplace is holy ground, for everywhere you go, Jesus is there...In you. If you all do not know nor heard of Brother Lawrence pleas allow me to introduce you to one of the great cloud of witnesses...who sometimes is called the "patron saint" of the kitchen...

Brother Lawrence was a french monk in the 1600's who lived and served in France. Born Nicolas Herman after joining the Carmelite order took the name "Lawrence of the Resurrection". He was assigned to the kitchen at the monastery where he came into a so intimate and passionate spiritual revelation one we are fortunate to share. And to the heart of this message ...that it's not about religion but about relationship...just about being ...real. He wrote letters compiled in a book called “Practicing the presence of God” which was printed after his death in 1691. he writes, "Men invent means and methods of coming to God's love, they learn rules and set up devices to remind them of that love, and it seems like a world of trouble to bring oneself into the consciousness of God's presence. That is called Religion...Yet it might be so simple. Is it not quicker and easier just to do our common business wholly for the love of him?"

As Jesus said “ Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'? Is it religion or relationship? It’s all about a relationship with Our Father...we want Him to be proud of us!

For Brother Lawrence, "common business," no matter how mundane or routine, could be a medium of God's love. The sacredness or worldly status of a task mattered less than motivation behind it. God sees the heart and motivation...the heart of the Action...Amen? Another quote from his letters..."Nor is it needful that we should have great things to do. . . We can do little things for God; I turn the cake that is frying on the pan for love of him, and that done, if there is nothing else to call me, I prostrate myself in worship before him, who has given me grace to work; afterwards I rise happier than a king. It is enough for me to pick up but a straw from the ground for the love of God." That is what we want those we feed to see in us...to Taste and See...

I encourage you to google Bro Lawrence...and if the Spirit moves...check out his letters...Hmmm I may be able to share it with you...just leave a message here or on facebook...or at my email chef.leo(at)christianchefs.org

So chew on this amuse-bouche a bit and come back for the next course ...

Rock and Roll! Jesus is the Rock...and we Roll!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Being Real...Really!

     After years of service, I still get passionate about our profession...and I am content to still be able to contribute in this ministry. Why? Because of the Passion Jesus showed as He walked through this earth and took on our image...

     I believe in our mission, and the guiding principles of our work. I am very com­mitted with a teamwork approach and enjoy the variety of challenges ...Yes many of us in the world can cook...and as I like to share there are millions of awesome "Chefs" out there...most of them are called...Mom.  
     As Chefs we are wanting to create and produce memorable cuisine food that transcends the physical and feeds the Soul. I was talking once to a young man  13 years of age...and when I asked him what his favorite food was his eyes grew large pupils dilated a bit smiled and said "My Mom's fried chicken and we are having it tonight!".  I could see the physical reaction and excitement to that occurring and he was excited!...
     So...Being always in search of special recipes and "secret" ingredients and wanting to know the secret of such an influential meal...I went to his Mom ( they were our next door neighbors), and struck up a conversation as she cooked, and asked her about her fried chicken focusing to remember each step and nuance that made this fried chicken so special.  She patiently told me...she just put salt and pepper in Flour...dredged the chicken in it and fried it in generic oil till brown and done...I asked her about the chicken...she said whatever was on sale at the store...I asked her about the oil...same she had used soy, corn and peanut   didn't matter to her.   OK so I thought  and asked about her Pan...maybe it was her great granny's seasoned cast Iron....Nope...it was just her large skillet... she didn't even have a cast iron griswold...I even asked about the Salt and pepper!   special method? I asked  "no " she said.."just medium heat and watch it so it doesn't burn."  Hmmm   
     As she hollered for her kids...I felt her presence of being the caretaker, and lover of her family...simple pure Love...She put a couple pieces on a plate and said "here's some for you and your wife...we have plenty"  I thanked her and took it home.  Cat was glad we didn't have to cook on such a hot day...it was a blessing...so we pulled some leftovers and salad and ate dinner...We said a few words thanking Our Father for the provision and asked him to bless our neighbors...then dug in I grabbed a piece and took a bite and while it was nothing special to look at  or texturally nothing "outstandingly special" The flavor...was chicken!  So I settled in to eating...and as I chewed it sorta "filled" me   the Chicken became....more.  I was holding it, I could feel it...I could see it it was Golden brown...and the taste just soared in my mouth to umami and beyond!      Actually it was...the best fried chicken I had tasted in quite a  long time...I always had a saying that sticks with me to this day  " My goal is not to analyze ...but to realize" ....Really!  In all my figuring out I missed the "secret ingredient"....and now I was tasting it. Not only the grand amount of affection and Love...but I thought I could taste if not a happy chicken  then one that was content...I was getting a taste of the Big Picture...or in a food expression...the whole enchilada!  As I ate I heard in that small still voice " This..is my body given for you...and as I reached for a drink " ...and this is the cup of the new covenant that I make with you  today ...here...now..."
      I seek daily to ‘do the right thing.’ And that transcends to the home...I know we make a difference in the lives of many but will never get that kind of recognition. I of­ten tell staff and others that the biggest and most success­ful testimony that makes a difference that I have encountered in my career is simple to describe: It’s the working relationship between staff and clients. JUst as we do in family...We role model behavior and attitude for others. Just as we in the mission field of our homes...we take it to the streets...Do you have any experiences where you could taste the Love?  Try to remember...Tasting and seeing...and with eyes open wide go and do likewise...share...taste and see!

Have a groovy day and lets get real again ...real soon perhaps tomorrow!
Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock...and we ROLL!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

There is a reason...

There is a song that Cat wanted me to learn and I was in the process of learning it when she passed...She didn’t do that ...normally.  She must of had a reason...the song is a Ron Block Song sung by Alison Krauss   as you listen or youtube it up later...you will be blessed.  I will learn it and play it for my favorite audience of one ...Jesus now present with Cat  Wow the audience is growing….Rock and Roll yall!  Jesus is the Rock...and we Roll!


There Is A Reason
I've seen hard times and I've been told
There isn't any wonder that I fall
Why do we suffer crossing off the years
There must be a reason for it all
I've trusted in you Jesus to save me from my sins
Heaven is a place I call my home
But I keep on getting caught up in this world I'm livin' in
And Your voice, it sometimes fades before I know

Hurting brings my heart to you crying with my need
Depending on Your love to carry me
The love that shed His blood for all the world to see
This must be the reason for it all

Hurtin' brings my heart to you, A fortress in the storm
what I wrap my heart around is one
I give my heart so easily to the ruler of this world
When the one who loves me most will give me all

In all the things that cause me pain, you give me eyes to see    
I do believe, but help my unbelief
I've seen hard times, and I've been told

There is a reason for it all

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


God morning Sisters and Brothers! Wow...so much going on...Thankful that God has got us all close to His heart and loving us more than we can imagine...As I shared in the previous couple blogs about the Light...Sometimes its a Genesis 1:1 day...And as I awoke today just had a blast of "Yay! we have another day! and THIS is the day!" I shared that with Mac...Just excited about whatever happens today as I get another chance ...to let that Light shine..I just have to get out of the way! And let God shine...that "little light of mine" is like a Pilot Light...sparking a more better light and not hoarding it for myself but letting go...Letting God....

I saw this post from Cat a while back...thought I would share this "Blast from the past" hoping it will be a blessing to you....
Isaiah 43:2-4
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.
...“Since you are precious in My sight,
...and I love you,

Matthew 6:10
‘Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.

Lamentations 3:32
Though he brings grief, he will show compassion,
so great is his unfailing love.

Psalm 63:8
My soul clings to You;
Your right hand upholds me.

When we pass through the waters, God will be there with us. God wants us to trust Him even when we are in deep waters.
Don't be concerned about your feelings during an emergency. The most important thing is that we turn to God, trusting that He is indeed with us. When our heart is sinking under waves of panic, don't focus on those feelings. Instead, Look to God, for "as your soul clings to Me, My right hand will uphold you"--keeping us safe in turbulent waters.

Each jot and tittle of the word to me is like a kiss an intimate sharing of His Love...a group of verses like the ones the Holy Spirit inspired Cat to share...are like a huge hug!
Be Loved, Be Blessed and Be...His Light
Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock...and we Roll!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

But now...Therefore...

As I read the Word I love "every Jot and every Tittle" . (dot) . (comma) / slash \ backslash # hashtag everyjotandeverytittle haha even those like stones cry out and praise God... especially the words ..like and, but, now..and the word Therefore we all know when we see that we ask ourselves " What is that there...for?" They gently lead us to the next revelation of the Word in our hearts and minds...And you all know what my "mantra" is , a main saying "Run don't walk to the Word of God" and "Rock and Roll Jesus ( The Word) is the Rock...and we Roll!" And so we roll on as I roll and I pause and yes shudder in the aftermath of recent events...looking on the facebook and elsewhere seeing unfortunately even the "christians" join in in this battle...But I thank God! For the Word today brings up what has been wrapping around my mind and heart...so I humbly submit and encourage you to read Peter's first letter. chapter 2. Just to edify...I love Pete! Rock on Rock! We all know Simon the gruff senior fisherman of the gang Jesus recruited ...so vibrantly human in all its not so gloriousness but I think we all can identify with him...at least in the way he expressed himself his feelings and emotions, and even actions...he was a kind of epitome of human characteristics...our characteristics...and in seeing him/us in the time spent with Jesus on earth we also can marvel at least I am amazed at what happened when everything changed...the filling of the Holy Spirit...Pete "knew" of God...he got to "know" Jesus...and made the connections when the Holy Spirit brought it all together for him...and I see it in his letters....in them I do not see the former Simon...I see THE Rock indwelling and expressing himself in this "Rock". I see a man living by the life of another...Jesus. And in that I catch glimpses of me...in the past and after the "change". To coin a line from the Matrix " some things never change...and some things do" and in that truth ONE thing not only never changes abut remains after all is said...and done...The Love of God!  This source is eternal...to say the least.  And Pete and the others made that choice to follow and enter in to a relationship and to yes fall in love with...
      And as everything begins with choice ( yeesh gonna have to stop watching matrix reruns haha ) As it is written in Joshua 24 "choose for yourselves this day..." and to add from the psalmist Robert Zimmerman song Gotta serve somebody:
But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

Make a choice  cross that line  It will be the Day the Lord has made!
Rock and Roll...For Pete's sake!  ;)
and Oh...when you read 1 Peter 2  read in the NKJ and Message  they work so well together in getting that Word s into your head and heart    

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Let there be Light...part quatro...musical intermezzo

God morning my Mis en Place!...[ I am a bit ADD  so bear with me as I seem to be chasing rabbits sometimes but I pray that it speaks to you in our common purpose, and goal in this message ;)  Sometimes  as I read the Bible I find myself in what I am reading and I see and hear what is being revealed by the written words.  I pray you find yourself there also in His Word..In His Heart...IN HIs Love, Purpose, and Will]  Oh look a bunny!

In the beginning God said “Let there be light!” From that moment on it has been His will that all creation serve as a revelation of His love to those He has created. period, dot, dotdotdot...

Paul tells us that God has shown what He is like by everything He has created — “the invisible things of Him are clearly seen in the things that are made” (Rom.1:20).  Thats right  CLEARLY seen...
I was once encouraged by a pastor to take my coffee/tea outside each morning ( or whenever) and "take in"see the creation working in His "nature"...see the things He made...not mankind necessarily  for they too have a God purpose...they are to give glory and be that revelation...yeah it may be a little trafficy...or the view may be a block wall...or the neighbors may be spreading manure on their garden....but there is something of nature there  a breeze perhaps..some light stars, moon, Sun...sounds...Birds, other beasts mewing or barking...or if you are fortunate as I am   the ocean waves washing ashore a small creek running ...Oh its a wonder-ful day!  If we can clearly see or even catch a glimpse of the amazing diversity in the One-ness of God-Love-Light...in all this...then we can look to the Word written, and catch more glimpses...with a purpose of clearly seeing...letting the Word get into you...as you get into the Word...
So as Our Father said "I Am" Let us ask Him  "You are...what?"  think ( say aloud ) a one word response to finish the phrase ... "God is __________"

God is powerful. God is thoughtful. God is awesome... So many things as we read the Bible. We see all this and more in creation. But God, in all and above all, is LOVE — that’s the one thing He wants us to know above all other things that He certainly is.

And, the crowning moment in the unfolding process of that singular revelation happened when Jesus came.  Hallelujah!

Paul tells us that Jesus was “the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15). 
So...for a minute...let us be there with the first disciples and perhaps identify with Phillip...(who would go on to do amazing things) Read in John 14:9 AMP where it is written, “Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time, and you do not know Me yet, Philip, nor recognize clearly who I am? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’"  Wow   the words "clearly",and "I am"...  just leap off the page...ok so there we have it...clear as mud right?   Jesus said many amazing things ...and when He said to Phillip "you do not know Me yet" therein is a key  one of so many...to know him by how?  spending time with Him, listening to Him, working with Him...indeed falling in Love with Him...


OK forgive the musical interlude but All True Love songs are God songs...Amen?  This song is an oldie..you know as some would say the bible is an "old" book...yes its an OLdie but a Goodie!  And amazingly it is new like His mercies each morning...speaking to us here and now...very real and verrrrry  very present!  hop hop hopping back to the point  ;)

 On one occasion when speaking to a large crowd gathered in Jerusalem, Jesus said “I am the light of the world.” (John 8:12)  Chew on that a bit...

We have heard the Old Testament decree – “Let there be Light!” And now we hear the New Testament reply – “I am the Light of the world!” In other words Jesus is saying, “I am the revelation of My Father’s love.” Indeed, truer words were never spoken.

At last we have a sure and unmistakable display of the one thing God has wanted all along — LIGHT shining in the darkness; God’s love triumphing over all evil.

Everything Jesus said and did was a demonstration of the overwhelming power of God’s love in every circumstance!

When Jesus healed the sick — that was God’s love in action. When He cast out demons, opened the eyes of the blind, raised the dead, turned water into wine — that was God’s love on display. Revealing Himself in His Son Messiah and Savior! When He rebuked self-righteousness and confronted those who stood in judgment over others (ouch!)— that also was a revelation of God’s love.  Now that is a wondrous Balm...Look up Balm if you need to...

Have a Groovy God day and Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock ...and we Roll!