A Ministry of Christian Chefs International (CCI)

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Let there be Light...part quatro...musical intermezzo

God morning my Mis en Place!...[ I am a bit ADD  so bear with me as I seem to be chasing rabbits sometimes but I pray that it speaks to you in our common purpose, and goal in this message ;)  Sometimes  as I read the Bible I find myself in what I am reading and I see and hear what is being revealed by the written words.  I pray you find yourself there also in His Word..In His Heart...IN HIs Love, Purpose, and Will]  Oh look a bunny!

In the beginning God said “Let there be light!” From that moment on it has been His will that all creation serve as a revelation of His love to those He has created. period, dot, dotdotdot...

Paul tells us that God has shown what He is like by everything He has created — “the invisible things of Him are clearly seen in the things that are made” (Rom.1:20).  Thats right  CLEARLY seen...
I was once encouraged by a pastor to take my coffee/tea outside each morning ( or whenever) and "take in"see the creation working in His "nature"...see the things He made...not mankind necessarily  for they too have a God purpose...they are to give glory and be that revelation...yeah it may be a little trafficy...or the view may be a block wall...or the neighbors may be spreading manure on their garden....but there is something of nature there  a breeze perhaps..some light stars, moon, Sun...sounds...Birds, other beasts mewing or barking...or if you are fortunate as I am   the ocean waves washing ashore a small creek running ...Oh its a wonder-ful day!  If we can clearly see or even catch a glimpse of the amazing diversity in the One-ness of God-Love-Light...in all this...then we can look to the Word written, and catch more glimpses...with a purpose of clearly seeing...letting the Word get into you...as you get into the Word...
So as Our Father said "I Am" Let us ask Him  "You are...what?"  think ( say aloud ) a one word response to finish the phrase ... "God is __________"

God is powerful. God is thoughtful. God is awesome... So many things as we read the Bible. We see all this and more in creation. But God, in all and above all, is LOVE — that’s the one thing He wants us to know above all other things that He certainly is.

And, the crowning moment in the unfolding process of that singular revelation happened when Jesus came.  Hallelujah!

Paul tells us that Jesus was “the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15). 
So...for a minute...let us be there with the first disciples and perhaps identify with Phillip...(who would go on to do amazing things) Read in John 14:9 AMP where it is written, “Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time, and you do not know Me yet, Philip, nor recognize clearly who I am? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’"  Wow   the words "clearly",and "I am"...  just leap off the page...ok so there we have it...clear as mud right?   Jesus said many amazing things ...and when He said to Phillip "you do not know Me yet" therein is a key  one of so many...to know him by how?  spending time with Him, listening to Him, working with Him...indeed falling in Love with Him...


OK forgive the musical interlude but All True Love songs are God songs...Amen?  This song is an oldie..you know as some would say the bible is an "old" book...yes its an OLdie but a Goodie!  And amazingly it is new like His mercies each morning...speaking to us here and now...very real and verrrrry  very present!  hop hop hopping back to the point  ;)

 On one occasion when speaking to a large crowd gathered in Jerusalem, Jesus said “I am the light of the world.” (John 8:12)  Chew on that a bit...

We have heard the Old Testament decree – “Let there be Light!” And now we hear the New Testament reply – “I am the Light of the world!” In other words Jesus is saying, “I am the revelation of My Father’s love.” Indeed, truer words were never spoken.

At last we have a sure and unmistakable display of the one thing God has wanted all along — LIGHT shining in the darkness; God’s love triumphing over all evil.

Everything Jesus said and did was a demonstration of the overwhelming power of God’s love in every circumstance!

When Jesus healed the sick — that was God’s love in action. When He cast out demons, opened the eyes of the blind, raised the dead, turned water into wine — that was God’s love on display. Revealing Himself in His Son Messiah and Savior! When He rebuked self-righteousness and confronted those who stood in judgment over others (ouch!)— that also was a revelation of God’s love.  Now that is a wondrous Balm...Look up Balm if you need to...

Have a Groovy God day and Rock and Roll!  Jesus is the Rock ...and we Roll!

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