Isaiah 33:6
Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times,
And the strength of salvation;
The fear of the Lord is His treasure.
Don't wait for an opportunity to be alone with God. Take it
whenever you can, nothing will suffer. Stuff is of less importance
than you think. Our time together with God is like a garden full of
flowers. whereas the time we give to stuff is like a field of stubble.
God loves us so, lay back and rest in His embrace, feel His heart
beat. We will receive insight that will give us sustaining strength.
Christ bore our sins and He wants to carry our burdens also. Give
it all to God and take His gift of a light and happy heart. For God's
love removes all fear. We can experience resurrection life and
peace; the joy of the Lord will be our strength.
We need this balance in our life! I find myself drawn to the Lord when I am under the most stresses of life. When I catch myself stressing I remember That he will bring peace in the time of need. Thanks for sharing!!