A Ministry of Christian Chefs International (CCI)

Sunday, January 8, 2017

i wax...

Seeing you

...in this morn I am awakened 
by a crying...a whimpering...
 nothing more urgent than my "beeste" letting me know ...
it is time...
my conscious waiting calmly as my unconscious's remnant...
 dreams and their visions...
visions and their moving pictures and words...
 words...leading to thoughts...
of You Lord...
of reaching out to You Master...
and of reaching out for You Teacher...
leading to revelation...
once again You are being revealed...
 another jot, another tittle...
not a lot, just a little...
more Love

my beginning business moves me hither...
seeking to find my head in the things I awaken with...
 my breaking through the fog of my morn...conscious of pain,
reminded i am alive,
Thank you Master for keeping watch...
so speaks my heart as my mind is still engaging....
placing my right foot on the floor
 attempt to adjust the dishevelment that sleep had rearranged my head...
rubbing my eyes to help bring in to focus...
" get off on the "right" foot, I whisper...
" Ok Teacher what is the lesson today?" 
a song comes to mind 
" Love is the opening Door, Love is what We came here for...
No one could offer you more...do you know what I mean?"
yes Lord my eyes have really seen...
 my beginning business moves me yon...
and I take my coffee outside eagerly desiring to continue this communion...
and I see the sun break into a clear sky landscape still white in frosty dormant sleep...
trees bare and neighborhood quiet...
i clutch my cup in the chilled air...
 leftover snow blowing into my face...
squinting i look and see  the hounds walking about seeking their opportunities to voice their reply to the waiting world...
and i see the light enlightening this Sun-day...
revealing the landscape recently hidden in shadow...
I raise my cup...
" Cheers Jesus"
and sip gratefully seeing the morning sun...
its light proceeding unto the land still sleeping, and the bride therein...
seeing in my minds eye the light breaking upon the multitude of witnesses...
still in slumber awaiting your rise in their hearts and in their eyes that they may see...
i see them in a glimpse from His perspective...
 seeing Love approach with arms...
wide ...
ready to embrace ...
ready to knock on the doors of our hearts...
for the opening door...
smiling now as surely as He is...saying " arise my love...come unto me let us...
sharing visions, sharing lives...
"Shall we eat?"  revealing His banqueting table...and we look up and read the banner flying overhead....

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