A Ministry of Christian Chefs International (CCI)

Thursday, December 29, 2016

With Wings!....Like Eagles!

Wow...Like a child reading the book for the first time....the Word comes alive!  Reading in Isaiah 40...engrossed in the story reading these amazing things and the imagination making it appear on the Video screen of your mind...And that is what happened to me this morning ...maybe that has happened to you when you open the Word ...and words and phrases just seem to ...JUMP off the page...and or all of a sudden you are transported to that place and time where you can hear and see, and truly are in the presence of the Word...and that Word's name is Jesus!  and it's alive!  The Holy Spirit just seemed to put a pause...and an Exclamation mark!  When I read about "those who wait on the Lord..." I saw me...and many many other followers, seekers, pilgrims...When I read renew...strength...I saw myself in the movie of my mind getting stronger filling out from the inside....the inside where Jesus lives.  Now it wasn't like the Hulk's transformation but I saw Wings! appearing on me...and I saw myself "Mounting" up...Wow...jumping into the air with Wings!  Like Eagles! So strong in the Lord..Like Eagles'  strong muscles moving those wings...So strong... lifting myself up but not...It wasn't me as it is not about me but Jesus in me...Our God is able?   OH yeah  Holding me, in fact holding all of us, lifting me up...perhaps like a fallen bird...picked up by Our Father caressed and held till I was able to comprehend the truth and to accept the healing and to breathe in the Spirit...and to ultimately let go...to leap out of His Hand...With the feeling that I...could...Run! Forever!  Eternally one with Our Father , The Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  Now we can walk on The Way...and not faint.  It's amazing that a little Word can mean and do so much!  When in His Will we can truly...Rock and Roll!
Have a groovy God Day!

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